
Swimming pool


In dem Hotel gibt es ein Schwimmbad 6,5 mx 17 m Größe, Tiefe von 1,1 m bis 1,4 m..

Das Schwimmbad ist von 7:30 bis 21:30 Uhr geöffnet¹.

¹ The times given are permanent opening hours of the swimming pool. Please check the availability in the calendar for possible exclusive rents.

More information on the website

Wet sauna

Feuchte Sauna

Sauna ab 50 st. C und endend aroung 90 ST. C., können Sie Wasser auf die Steine gießen und Luftfeuchtigkeit bis zu 25% – 40%. Wet Sauna ist mehr als freundlich für den menschlichen Trockensauna.

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Steam bath

Steam Bath

The steambath has a refreshing effect and has a beneficial effect on the whole body. Waves of steam penetrate the skin,They thoroughly cleanse, moisturize and regenerate itThe skin becomes smooth and firm.High humidity and moderate temperature reduce muscle tension and relax the mind.

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Ice rink

Ice rink

In winter time there is ice rink 20 m x 25 m size under the roof.

It’s open from beginning of December to the end of February¹ in hours between 10:00 am to 8:00 pm² ³

¹ If the outside temperature stays below 0 ° C, the ice rink may last longer (both at the beginning of the season and at the end). We will provide current information on our website.
² The times given are permanent opening hours of the ice rink. Please check the availability of the ice rink in calendar for possible exclusive rents.
³ Technical break between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM.

More information on the website